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Jonathan E. Helm Grainger Professor of Operations and Decision Technologies 812-855-3486 helmj [ a t ] indiana [ d o t ] edu |
Home | Research | Teaching | Awards and Honors | Students | CV (PDF)
(*) Student, (**) Industry Collaborator
- [A19] Mixing It Up: Operational Impact of Hospitalist Workload ,
- with Kamalahmadi M *, Mills AF, Bretthauer K
Management Science, 69(1): 283-307 (2023)
- [A18] Operations (Management) Warp Speed: Parsimonious Design for Rapid Deployment of Hospital Prediction and Decision Support Framework during a Pandemic ,
- with Shi P, Chen C, Lim J*, Parker R, Tinsley T**, Cecil J**
Production and Operations Management, Special Issue on Pandemics a POM Perspective, 30(3): 330-354 (2021)
- [A17] Medical Surge: Lessons for a Pandemic from Mass-Casualty Management,
- with A.F. Mills.
Health Management, Policy and Innovation (HMPI.org), volume 5, Issue 1, special issue on COVID-19, March 2020.
- [A16] Timing it Right: Balancing Inpatient Congestion versus Readmission Risk at Discharge ,
- with P. Shi, J. Deglise-Hawkinson**, J.F. Pan**.
Operations Research, 69(6): 1842-1865 (2021).
- [A15] An Operational Framework for the Adoption and Integration of New Diagnostic Tests
30(2): 330-354 (2021)
- with Shi P, Heese S, Mitchell A**
Production and Operations Management, 30(2): 330-354 (2021).
- [A14] Surge capacity deployment in hospitals: effectiveness of response and mitigation strategies ,
- with A.F. Mills and Y. Wang*.
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Forthcoming, 2019.
- [A13] An Integrated Framework for Reducing Hospital Readmissions using Risk Trajectories Characterization and Discharge Timing Optimization
- with Alaeddini A, Shi P, and Faruqui SHA*
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 9(2): 172-185 (2019)
- [A12] Dynamic Monitoring and Control of Irreversible Chronic Diseases with Application to Glaucoma,
- with P. Kazemian*, M.S. Lavieri, M.P. Van Oyen, and J.D. Stein**
Production and Operations Management, 28(5): 1082-1107 (2019)
- [A11] An Outpatient Planning Optimization Model for Integrated Care and Access Management,
- with Deglise-Hawkinson JR*, Huschka TR**, Kaufman DL, and Van Oyen MP
Production and Operations Management, 27(12):2270-2290(2018)
- [A10] Missed Opportunities in Preventing Hospital Readmissions: Redesigning Post-discharge Checkup Policies,
- with X. Liu*, M. Hu*, M.S. Lavieri, T.A. Skolarus**
Production and Operations Management, 27(12):2226-2250 (2018)
- [A9] Distribution of medication considering information, transshipment and clustering: Malaria in Malawi,
- with H. Parvin**, S. AhmadBeygi**, and M.P. Van Oyen
Production and Operations Management, 27(4):774–797 (2018)
- [A8] Coordination of Autonomous Healthcare Entities: Emergency Response to Multiple Casualty Incidents,
- with Mills AF, Jola-Sanchez AF*, Tatikonda MV, and Courtney BA**
Production and Operations Management, 27(1):184–205 (2018).
- [A7] Impact of Estimation: A New Method for Patient Clustering and Trajectory Estimation,
- with C. Ranjan*, K. Paynabar
Production and Operations Management, 26(10): 1893-1914. (2017)
- [A6] Dynamic Forecasting and Control Algorithms of Glaucoma
Progression for Clinician Decision Support,
with M.S. Lavieri, M.P. Van Oyen, J.D. Stein**, D.C. Musch.
Operations Research, 63(5), 2015, pp. 979-999.
- [A5] Reducing Hospital Readmissions by Integrating Empirical Prediction with Resource Optimization,
- with A. Alaeddini, J.M. Stauffer*, K.M. Bretthauer, and T.A. Skolarus**.
Production and Operations Management, 25(2), 2016, pp. 233-257.
- [A4] Design and Optimization Methods for Elective Hospital Admissions,
- with M.P Van Oyen.
Operations Research, 62(6), 2014, pp. 1265-1282.
- [A3] An IP-based healthcare provider shift design approach to minimize patient handoffs,
- with P. Kazemian*, Y. Dong**, T.R. Rohleder**, and M.P. Van Oyen.
Healthcare Management Science, 17(1), 2014, pp. 1-14.
- [A2] Design and Analysis of Hospital Admission Control for Operational Effectiveness,
- with S. AhmadeBeygi*, M.P Van Oyen.
Production and Operations Management, 20(3), 2011, pp. 359-374.
- [A1] Assisting a Public Transit Agency with Planning of Bus Schedules Using Computer Simulation...,
- with N. Shah*, A. Dubey*, W. Xu*, and F. Vanek.
Intl J Service Learning in Eng., 2(2), 2007, pp. 148-163.
Under Review
(*) Student, (**) Industry Collaborator
- [R5] An Integrated Approach to Improving Itinerary Completion in Coordinated Care Networks,
- with Liu Y*, Shi P, Van Oyen MP, Ying L, Huschka TR**
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 1st revision [major] under preparation, 2023.
- [R4] Healthcare Payment Policy Impact on Hospital
Readmissions ,
- with JM Stauffer and KM Bretthauer
Management Science, (Reject with invitation to resubmit)
- [R3] Hiding Behind Complexity: Supply Chain, Oversight, Race, and the Opioid Crisis,
- with Attari A*, Mejia JM
Production and Operations Management Special Issue on DEI, 1st revision [major] resubmitted, 2023.
- [R2] Dynamic capacity planning for post-discharge follow-ups,
- with Mills AF
Production and Operations Management (Working paper finished; submitting Fa' 23), 2023.
- [R1] Time for Accountability: Are Readmission Responsibility Windows Too Long?
- with Liu X*, Helm JE, Lavieri M, Skolarus T**
Operations Research, 2nd revision [major], 2023.
Medical Publications
- [M12] Characterizing ``Bounce-back'' Readmissions After Radical Cystectomy. ,
- with Li BY, Urish KL, Jacobs BL, He C, Borza T, Qin Y, Min HS, Dupree JM, Ellimoottil C, Hollenbeck BK, Lavieri MS, Helm JE, and Skolarus TA
JAMA Network Open, 2(11) (2019).
- [M11] Characterizing ``Bounce-back'' Readmissions After Radical Cystectomy. ,
- with Kirk PS, Skolarus TA, Jacobs BL, Qin Y, Li B, Sessine M, Liu X, Zhu K, Gilbert SM, Hollenbeck BK, Urish K, Lavieri MS, Borza T
British Journal of Urology International, 124(6): 955-961. (2019).
- [M10] Role of Post-Acute Care on Hospital Readmission After High-Risk Surgery. ,
- with Lee AJ, Lui X, Borza T, Qin Y, Li BY, Urish KL, Kirk PS, Gilbert S, Hollenbeck BK, Helm JE, Lavieri MS
Journal of Surgical Research, 234: 116-122 (2019).
- [M9] Predictors and Cost of Readmission in Total Knee Arthroplasty. ,
- with Urish, K.L., Qin, Y., Li, B.Y., Borza, T., Sessine, M., Kirk, P., Hollenbeck, B.K., Lavieri, M.S., Skolarus, T.A. and Jacobs, B.L.
Journal of Arthoplasty, 33(9): 2759-2763 (2018).
- [M8] No Differences in Population-based Readmissions After Open and Robotic-assisted Radical Cystectomy: Implications for Post-discharge Care Urology ,
- with Borza, T, Jacobs, BL, Montgomery, JS, Weizer, AZ, Morgan, TM, Hafez, KS, Lee, CT, Li, BY, Min, HS, He, C, Gilbert, SM, Lavieri MS, Hollenbeck BK, Skolarus TA
Urology, 104: 77-83 (2017).
- [M7] Variation in readmission expenditures after high-risk surgery: A population based study using allpayer data ,
- with Bruce Jacobs, Chang He, Benjamin Li, Alex Hefland, Naveen Krishnan, Tudor Borza, Amir Ghaferi,
Brent Hollenbeck, Mariel Lavieri, Ted Skolarus
Journal of Surgical Research, 213: 60-68, (2017).
- [M6] The Fate of Radical Cystectomy Patients after Hospital Discharge: Understanding the Black Box of the Pre-readmission Interval,
- with Borza, T, Jacobs, BL, Montgomery, JS, Weizer, AZ, Morgan, TM, Hafez, KS, Lee, CT, Li, BY, Min, HS, He, C, Gilbert, SM, Lavieri MS, Hollenbeck BK, Skolarus TA
European Urology Focus, 4(5): 711-717 (2018).
- [M5] A Model to Optimize Follow-up Care and Reduce Hospital Readmissions After Radical Cystectomy ,
- with Naveen Krishnan, Xiang Liu, Michael Hu, Kedi Wu, Alex Helfand, Benjamin Li,
Alexandra Zalewski, Chang He, Bruce Jacobs, Brent Hollenbeck, Mariel Lavieri, Ted Skolarus
The Journal of Urology, 195(5) (2016) pp, 1362-1367.
- [M4] The joint structure-function dynamics of glaucoma progression ,
- with Lyne Racette, Mitchell Dul, and Iván Marín-Franch
Expert Review of Ophthalmology, 10(5), 2015, pp. 407–409.
- [M3] Understanding Readmission Intensity After Radical Cystectomy,
- with Ted A. Skolarus, Bruce L. Jacobs, Florian R. Schroeck, Chang He, Alexander M. Helfand, Michael Hu, Mariel Lavieri, Brent K. Hollenbeck
The Journal of Urology, 193(5), 2015, pp. 1500-1506
- [M2] Using Filtered Forecasting Techniques to Determine Personalized Monitoring Schedules for Patients
with Open-Angle Glaucoma,
- with Greggory J. Schell, Mariel S. Lavieri, Xiang Liu, David C. Musch, Mark P. Van
Oyen, Joshua D. Stein
Ophthalmology, 121(8), 2014, pp. 1539–1546.
- [M1] Sharpening the focus on causes and timing of readmission after radical cystectomy for bladder cancer ,
- with Michael Hu, Bruce L. Jacobs, Jeffrey S. Montgomery, Chang He, Jun Ye, Yun Zhang, Julien Brathwaite,
Todd Morgan, Khaled S. Hafez, Alon Z. Weizer, Scott Gilbert, Cheryl T. Lee, Mariel Lavieri, Brent K. Hollenbeck, Ted A. Skolarus
Cancer, 120(9), 2014, pp. 1409-1416.
Conference Publications and Tech Reports
- [C2] Characterizing an Effective Hospital Admissions Scheduling and Control Management System: A Genetic Algorithm Approach ,
- with M Lapp and BD See
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 2010, pp. 2387-2398.
- [C1] The Flexible Patient Flow Simulation Framework,
- with S AhmadBeygi and MP Van Oyen
IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2009, IERC Healthcare Logistics Section Conference Proceedings, 2009.
- [T1] Infinite Horizon Analysis of a Hospital Admission Control Model ,
- with Mark P. Van Oyen
Technical Report TR10-01, University of Michigan, 2010.